I visit lots of schools and run Creative Writing sessions with young people in libraries, museums, Young Offenders Institutions and in tents.
I’ve worked in schools and libraries all over the country, and appeared at festivals including, Edinburgh, Bath, Cheltenham and BareLit.
As a bit of a school failure myself I have found ways to make writing accessible and interesting. like to show people ways of getting their own stories out rather than read my own work. We do instant characters, how to cook up stories and occasionally mind reading.
I am happy to do talks about books too, and love talking about Black British History.
A whole day visit will usually involve a maximum of four workshops or talks and I am happy to work with all abilities and ages between nine and 18.
I have also worked with teenagers in Albania for the British Council where I had a wonderful time in Tirana.
I have been involved in Young Cultural Creators, the project that started with London libraries and the Tates Britain and Modern. These meant running workshops and making stories in the galleries in front of paintings which was fantastic.I have lots of references from satisfied schools and libraries and if you are interested in getting me to visit you can get in touch with me here and I will get back to you with my rates and availability.
The mind reading is optional.
I have taught Creative Writing to adults at Kingston University, London Metropolitan University, and on Arvon Residential courses https://www.arvon.org/writing-courses/courses-retreats/.
I have been priviliged to mentor quite a few writers who have gone onto publication including Sue Wallman, Sandra Greaves and some who are just about to be published who I’ve worked with on the Curtis Brown Creative Writing For Children Course which I teach online.https://www.curtisbrowncreative.co.uk/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8cSBlY223wIVVOd3Ch2AHg4CEAAYASAAEgIoo_D_BwE